Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Update #3 from Anne in Whitewater

...June 20, 2007

Hi Seymour et al

We are almost there. You will need to come to the other summit so that you can organize strategies for the boys.

We will have to work ahead of time, so I am proposing that the White Water summit will be, in some way, my community service.

Youth is the topic, and we will need to send more than two students.

The international display we had went well. I had lots of road maps with lots of ads from various businesses and they went well.

The comments, though, were “Where is Anguilla?” They wanted a map with Anguilla positioned. That used to be part of the inset at first, but I have no idea why the tourism department and the flyers stopped positioning Anguilla relative to Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, etc.

I guess we will need to give this feedback to Tourism.

I got a formal note from Admissions today by Rick. The interview for Shellia is tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. The other girl is not really interested. She said that she will shop around first.

With Shellia, she fell in love with Wisconsin while we were driving along. When she saw the campus, she said, “This is it. I would like to go to school here.”

With repeated exclamations of the feeling, I approached Rick and asked him what he thought of the possibility of Shellia getting in. He said from what he has seen of the two girls, he is impressed.

He also said that The University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, is desirous of increasing its international intake of students so all should be well.

Will write tomorrow and let you know how the interview went.

I feel happy here. It is a non-threatening atmosphere.

The kids are happy, and all seem to be able to resolve conflicts even before they start. Of course, the place is full of counsellors and access is easy. It is a real professional set-up with no time wasting.

So far they have had two sets of days whereby they had a full morming of different type of games. That is good planning as they are kids and energy needs to be used up wisely. I am impressed.

The Rotary has an interesting student exchange programme going.

I will look into that some more this evening if I see Rick.

Have a great evening.
