August 1
For those new to Rotary – and as a review for the older Rotarians …
You are now part of a global network of business, professional, and community volunteers.
In Rotary clubs around the world, Rotarians like you are changing lives in their own communities and those abroad – and forming strong, lasting friendships in the process.
So, how do you want to get involved in Rotary? That is the question for all Rotarians!
- Volunteer your skills
- Improve your community in Anguilla
- Build your network Volunteer your Skills -
- Talk to club members about where your expertise is most needed (Let’s have a club discussion about how we can help in the best way possible!)
- Serve on a club committee. What committee will best suit your skills and expertise?
- Attend your club’s next Board meeting and help plan club activities. Improve the community of Anguilla -
- Volunteer to help with the club’s projects and suggest new projects.
What project is the Rotary Club of Anguilla best known for in the community? We need to have a signature project.
- Work with a youth program sponsored by the Rotary club (such as Interact or the Literacy project)
- Identify a need in the community and suggest a hands-on project that addresses this need. Build your network -
- Attend as many club meetings as you can. Connect with different people each time.
- Join a Rotary Fellowship (see note at bottom) and meet Rotarians in other countries who share your interests
- Go to your district conference (next year in Haiti) and try to attend the International Convention
- Plan to attend another Rotary club’s meeting (St. Martin/Sint Maarten, as an example. One club meets Wednesdays at 12:00 noon at Divi Bay.)
A week doesn’t go by that I don’t learn something new from the speaker at our club or just from working on projects with people. Rotary is an opportunity to grow indefinitely.
--Stephen Brown, Rotary Club of La Jolla Golden Triangle, California, USA
Note: As a Rotarian, you are WELCOME to attend any Rotary club meeting anywhere in the world. Use the Club Locator tool at or the free mobile Rotary Club Locator app to find clubs, meeting times, and locations. This is one of the great advantages of Rotary!
Remember this when you travel, and seek out other Rotary Clubs. You can learn much about how to be an important of an effective club, learn new ideas, share ideas and projects, and best of all, make new friends! I’ve become much more internationally focused and understand that there’s so much more I can do as part of a bigger whole than I could ever do on my own.
--Tony McAndrew, Rotary Club of Mid-Valley (Dickson City), Pennsylvania, USA
Rotary Fellowships. What is a Rotary Fellowship?
Rotary Fellowships offer Rotarians the opportunity to make friends with others in Rotary who share a common vocation, hobby, or recreational interest. Find Fellowships and Rotarian Action Groups by using the search utility below. Enter an interest (i.e., "antiques") or pick an interest from the list available at Just a few examples are shown below:
Amateur Radio, Canoeing, Wine, Doctors, Shooting sports, Rotary Heritage and History, Literacy Providers, Environment, Bridge, Golf...