Rotary International provides much training for Rotarians.
Sign up to
-- attend a seminar
-- enjoy the fellowship, and
-- learn about Rotary!
District leadership seminar
-- At the district leadership seminar, Rotarians learn how to serve Rotary beyond the club level and how to become the next generation of Rotary leaders.
-- These are the RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute) seminars planned for Distsrict 7020.
-- The next seminar will take place in St. Thomas on the weekend of January 12 and 13.
-- Members of the Anguilla Club who are interested should plan to attend. You will meet others in the District and learn a great deal about Rotary!
District assembly
-- The district assembly prepares incoming club leaders for their year in office.
-- The meeting is also an opportunity for club leaders to meet with district leaders (the district governor-elect, incoming assistant governors, and district committees) who will support club projects and activities.
-- Who participates: Incoming club leaders – presidents-elect and incoming secretaries, treasurers, and committee members
District conference
-- The purpose of the district conference is to advance the Object of Rotary through fellowship, inspirational addresses, and the discussion of matters of importance to Rotary clubs and Rotary International.
-- The conference showcases Rotary programs and successful district and club activities.
-- For Rotarians, the conference is an inspirational celebration and an opportunity to enjoy fellowship.
Join us at the District Conference!
-- Join us for the Magic of Rotary at the District 7020 PETS, Assembly and Conference - May 6-10, 2008
-- Register on line at http://www.district7020conference.com/
-- Go to the following link to see what's new at Atlantis; http://www.atlantis.com/grandopening/index.html?t=go1
-- Who participates: All Rotarians
District membership seminar
-- The district membership seminar prepares club and district leaders to support membership activities, such as recruiting and retaining members.
District Rotary Foundation seminar
-- The district Rotary Foundation seminar emphasizes the benefits of involvement in The Rotary Foundation and outlines the Foundation’s programs and policies.
-- Attendees get answers to their Foundation questions and updates on policy changes and goals for the year.
-- They also learn about ways to recognize individuals and clubs in their district for outstanding Foundation contributions.
Presidents-elect training seminar (PETS)
-- The presidents-elect training seminar helps presidents-elect from the more than 32,000 Rotary clubs worldwide to prepare for their terms.
-- Incoming club presidents learn about their roles and responsibilities, goal setting, club administration, and member recruitment, education, and retention.
-- The meeting is an opportunity for incoming club presidents to build strong working relationships with their district governor-elect and incoming assistant governors.