Rotary International Public Relations (PR) Grants
Learning about Rotary is an ongoing challenge. Rotary International is a very complicated organization. But little bit by little bit, we can all learn more about Rotary and how to benefit from being part of the world’s first service organization.
Public Relations Grant. Did you know that there is a grant available for Public Relations? I learned that recently from Barry Rassin, a Director of Rotary International who is a member of the Rotary Club of South East Nassau.
The Rotary International Board of Directors recently approved funds for grants to assist Rotary clubs and districts in their outreach efforts to the general public, promoting Rotary and improving Rotary’s public image. The grant will enable Rotary clubs to place Rotary billboards, banners, the RI prepared TV and Radio Public Service Announcements in their local TV and radio stations, or newspaper supplements that feature local Rotary stories.
For the 2006-07 Rotary year, funds have been allocated, ranging up to US$3,000 to support media projects during the current Rotary year. Assistance will be available until the funds are depleted. Grants may be available for the 2007-2008 Rotary year. The PR grant application can be downloaded from the following website:
The Rotary International contact is Thomas Rothstein at 847-866-3134.
Public Relations Award. There is also a Public Relations Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize Rotary clubs that have generated increased awareness and understanding of Rotary through outstanding media coverage or public relations efforts. Competition and selection of winning entries take place at the district level.